God, you really make me want to vom sometimes. Can't handle it! Avert your eyes! Shoo the children from the room! I forgot who said it, but someone did: The one who doesn't want you is the one you want the most. WTF is with THAT bs?
Let's watch more documentaries, people! Damn! Embrace your inner nerd girl!
Do you ever have a really intense irrational fear of somehow losing your paper that you've worked on all semester? Yesterday I had a vivid daydreaming session about a guy trying to steal my laptop and me pleading to at least let me save my papers first. "You can have it, I'm serious... just let me save my papers first!" I'd say to him. And really, I could give a fuck about the laptop...but losing the hours and hours of work would make me lose my mind. Then I'd write an e-mail to my adviser... "Maria - you'll never believe what happened!" Would she believe it? Would I have to write everything again? I'd cry. I'd fucking bawl and then probably engage in some seriously self-destructive behavior.
OH YEAH, I graduated today! After the ceremony, I came home to work on my paper(s). Talk about a downer!
i love you! bye!
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