Someday I'll be Bettie... Someday.
But today is not that day. Today is the day where I don't sleep and pretend that pulling an all-nighter is nothing.
Fuck it, I'm smoking in my room. I don't even CARE!
P.S. Dear ex boyfriends, why do you suck so bad and make my life awful? Thanks. Now I'm thinking about YOU and can't get my paper done.
I'm going to drink so many beers when this is over... probably like three.
I can't wait to get my post-breakup-hair-cut, followed closely by a post-graduation-bird-tattoo and MAYBE EVEN A FACIAL PIERCING OMGGGGG
P.P.S. I have discovered wolfmother and rediscovered led zeppelin and my life is now amazing. Also, Dream On by Aerosmith is now on the List of Good Songs. This shit is getting fancy-free! I DON'T EVEN LIKE AEROSMITH! THE INTEGRITY OF THE LIST HAS BEEN COMPROMISED!
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