Well folks, tonight I finally cracked.
I know you know the feeling. Maybe it's been there for a while, but you don't really say anything or look it in the eyes. Maybe you try to avoid it. Maybe you embrace it full-force monster truck rally live this Sunday style. Maybe it starts off as a leak; seepage from below the earth, filtered through rock and dirt ten thousand years old. Sometimes there's a catalyst, a tipping point, and you can't quite stabilize yourself enough to hit equilibrium. The ground is bumpy and uneven and your shoes are too big. Your pupils shrink and your mouth is open and dry and the camera zooms back quicker than you can extinguish a flame. You sit in the middle of your room like a malnourished Indian sitting atop a heap of red dusty bricks, digits curled gingerly around corners and jagged edges.
The thing that finally did it for me was probably exacerbated by a several day streak of destructive behavior, including lack of sleep, an inversion of my normal water-to-beer ratio, poor dental hygiene and impaired decision-making abilities. I've realized now that dropping out of school will be the least beneficial option for me in the long run. Aren't you glad I came to my senses and decided to write this post instead of researching for my paper?
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