How to get a date with a guy:
1. Look hot (confidence)
2. Pretend to believe that you look hot
3. Pretend you have 523082358 friends and stuff to do on the weekends because you are so outgoing and people love you, and you don't just sit in your room with a 6-pack doing scherenschnitte every Friday and Saturday night
4. Smile a lot and make big eyes (NOT bug eyes!)
5. Let your inner nerd girl be revealed in small doses
6. Make suggestive but tasteful hints to abate his fear of rejection
7. Wear cute things on a day you might just so happen to accidentally run into him
8. Find more excuses to go to the bank
9. Take the long way to the post office instead of the short cut through the parking garage to increase chances of intersection
10. Schedule errands during his lunch hour
11. Have an awesome personality (this should be swapped with point number 1)
12. Don't lie even if it's something completely insignificant because when you get cornered you'll look like a dumbass
13. Laugh at yourself
14. Ask him out
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