I am so happy I could do a back flip. TWO back flips. In a row. Consecutively. On the first try.
The only gray cloud on my weekend was that some youths must have stolen the bird feeder that was suction-cupped to my window. God! Really? I had to stand on a garbage can to get it there! WTF! A GARBAGE CAN!
Four new and interesting people have entered my life recently:
1. Overweight but still super cute hipster girl. Traits are a bicycle, skinny boyfriend with mustache, obscure music, cries a lot, and Chrome messenger bag. Needs to lose a good 20 off the rear to be classified as a real hipster though. She does have a genuine personality and makes me feel less bad for having to bite my lip to hold back tears on a semi-regular basis. Also good waist-up fashion, hair/makeup and vintage clothing.
2. Designer fashion girl. Traits are hoity-toity, self obsession and Photo Booth. Her favorite is Marc Jacobs (hottie!) and when she says Marc Jacobs it rolls out of her mouth all smooshed together and the consonants sound like clicking or an onomatopoeia in a foreign language. Her Marc Jacobs sunglasses have been referred to as her babies. And all the Marc Jacobs stuff was super cheap in metropolitan Asia.
When she drops designer names in regular conversation it reminds me of a casino employee dealing cards rapid-fire to women with plunging necklines and men in tuxedos. It makes me feel insufficient when I secretly and immediately Google every other name she says. Of course I'm comfortable enough to embrace it now and admit unabashedly that "I've never heard of it" which reflects my inner dork, which is who I'd rather be instead of someone who knows and follows and understands big-city fashion. It takes too much effort to be cool all the time. So much accountability! And way too big a margin of error.
3. Long-lost mechanic girl. Hopefully has grown out of her awkward phase but still wears Packers paraphernalia. Potentially my soul mate? If I move to Denver you'll know.
4. Too-skinny and very tall blonde boy. Traits are dubstep, Beiber hair, being tall and phlebotomy. A weekend fun-time summer friend but not someone with whom to go grocery shopping or to the farmers market or to the laundromat with no make-up on or with last night's make-up on.
5. The Black Keys. Traits are awesomeness and being fantastic and severely underrated in my music library.
In other news, MTV has some quality programming. Last night in my bleary stupor I may have accidentally watched several episodes of True Life. You guys should TOTALLY watch it!
And, in case you were wondering, I still really do love Bettie Page.

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